Never before has the trucking industry’s most important trade fair been such a crucial appointment
From 12 to 15 May 2022 there is going to be Transpotec Logitec, the transport and logistics trade fair that brings together all the major players in the trucking sector at the Milan Trade Fair, the country’s main logistics hub.
We will also be there and, never before, we believe that this meeting can generate discussion and debate on the transformation of the industry after the pandemic and the latest international events that are impacting our work.
The post-pandemic scenario
The road transport sector has been overwhelmed by the pandemic, highlighting its crucial importance for the country, but also its fragility and the fragmented nature of the policies supporting it. The economic and social value of the transport sector, which is fundamental for guaranteeing essential services at a time of severe crisis, has brought to the fore the need for innovation and technological transformation of the entire supply chain.
The population’s changing consumption habits, which have shifted to the digital sphere, and the consequent opening up of new and unexpected scenarios, now requires an even stronger commitment to creating new business models and solutions that leave no-one behind.
High fuel prices and last-minute problems
Just when the worst period of the pandemic seemed to be over and the transport sector was slowly catching up, the increase in fuel costs has dealt a further blow, making policies to support the sector even more urgent.
A possible stoppage of hauliers would cause enormous damage and this is why Federtrasporti and other trade associations are moving to find new solutions capable of giving relief to all operators involved, especially those companies that have failed to react and are suffering more than others.
Perspectives and changes
In such a context, it is difficult to make rosy predictions for the future, but if the entire industry moves towards a transformation of the paradigms known so far, investing in innovation and digitisation of means and services, new opportunities can be reaped.
The PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) has highlighted precisely this need, and intends to promote a new sustainable mobility that focuses on reducing emissions through the renewal of the vehicle fleet, the maintenance of existing vehicles with regenerated and avant-garde components to ensure safety and reliability, and an ever stronger focus on technological progress.
Considering that around 44% of import/export is by road, new government incentives and investments will be needed to generate a positive spill-over effect on the entire economic system.
The trade fair as a moment of confrontation

Precisely for this reason, the Transpotec Logitec trade fair represents a decisive appointment that acts as a market observatory, an incubator for new ideas and a comparison of the prospects and challenges of the near future.
Transpotec Logitec is an international trade fair with a focus on Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and the Balkans and promotes teamwork, logistics capillarity and progress in a 4.0 perspective, while also providing important training opportunities.
A place to present one’s own products, but also a meeting point to discuss with other companies in the sector and find together the right way to recovery. An opportunity for relaunch and reflection useful to all, and in which we at GGN will participate with enthusiasm and optimism, bringing our contribution.
You will find us in pavilion 22, stand 15, from 12 to 15 May 2022.